Pro Tips to Handle Anxiety and Stress during IIT-JEE Preparation
Needless to say, IIT-JEE is the most competitive entrance exam for engineering students and it has high expectations from every student. Of course, it is not a piece of cake to meet such high expectations as the exam demands.
When you are to perform under such conditions, stress is bound to build up. Stress and anxiety bring down your efficiency level and hamper your performance. It becomes all the more crucial at the time of preparing for an exam that has its own high standard.
Many of our students face the same issues, but our well-experienced faculty members help them with how to handle the stress and ensure that their efficiency is not reduced. In this blog, we will share with you some tips that will definitely help you to handle stress and anxiety effectively while preparing for the JEE exam.
How to handle stress and anxiety during IIT-JEE preparations
It is perfectly fine to feel anxious on the day of an examination. However, it should not manifest into extreme stress or anxiety.
Sometimes it is difficult to stay focused and that’s why you may feel stressed and anxious. Usually, stress is the creation of one’s own mind and it can easily be handled with active monitoring and a conscious effort to fix it. One way to deal with it is to examine your personal triggers during examination days. Different things may cause stress in different students. Try to figure out what exactly is the reason for your stress – is it lack of practice, do you feel you have less time and there is a lot to study or simply a lack of confidence?
Once you have identified the problem, you are sure to find a solution as well.
When you expect to score really high in an examination
Expectations may often create a lot of stress. The feeling that you have not been able to prepare well for an examination can make you nervous. You get nervous if you feel that you don’t have enough time to prepare for an examination.
If you picked a question and were unable to solve it, you may feel restless. Try to relax thinking this question is not bound to be asked in JEE. It, in no way, shows that you have not practiced enough. Do not think that such things will affect your performance in the exam.
You might also be feeling nervous if you have been scoring above average in JEE, but you don’t feel confident enough to score above that mark.
Take a Break
The best thing you can do to combat stress and anxiety is to take a break. You can either take a quick short break and go back to your studies. It is effective in relieving stress.
During a small break, your mind gets to relax and it can think of things other than studying and exams. You may just walk out into the balcony and look at those beautiful green trees. Greenery has a soothing effect on mind and it may have a tremendous effect on you. You can also meditate that will help you let go of the pile of stress created due to continuous long hours of studies.
Exercise Regularly
Exercise improves blood circulation in your body and of course your brain gets more oxygen after exercise. Thus, exercise helps you relieve stress and boost your mood. Doing something or playing a game that you love and are good at is the best way to combat stress and be relaxed.
Some examples of exercise that you can do to relieve stress and boost your mood include:
Badminton – Badminton requires concentration and focus. It takes your mind off the studies and refreshes your mind.
Swimming – Swimming is another form of exercise that can be used for relieving stress and boosting your mood. It has positive effects on reducing anxiety and boosting mood.
Running – Running has been proven to have the best mood-boosting effect among all other exercises. It demands a lot of energy and gives you a great exercise in a short time. It can be done in a park or wherever you find convenient.
Develop Good Study Habits
Examine your study habits while you are preparing for JEE. Are you procrastinating? Are you not doing your homework on time? Are you using the internet for studies instead of reading books?
If yes, then you need to make some changes in your approach to studies. Developing good studying habits like keeping a study schedule, making a daily study plan, setting a goal for how much you want to STUDY and STAYING FOCUSED will improve your knowledge and skills, and will boost your confidence.
Stay Focused and Organized
Focus is the most important factor during studies because it helps you stay organized and finish your work on time.
You will find it difficult to stay focused if you don’t have an organized study schedule. You must have a schedule for your studies that must be followed regularly. Not staying focused may lead to using TV, mobile phone, or social media.
Just being engrossed in your books all the time is not the right approach to studies. Identifying the factors which may cause stress is important. Once you have found your personal triggers, you must work on it and find ways to relax yourself.