How To Manage Time After School While Preparing For JEE?

How To Manage Time After School While Preparing For JEE?

How To Manage Time After School While Preparing For JEE

Do you know how to manage time at school while preparing for the upcoming Joint Entrance Examination (JEE)? Many applicants dread the process of cracking JEE. The problem is that there are many other students who are also preparing for JEE, so it can be very time-consuming, and exhausting, as well.

However, with a little preparation and a bit of strategic thinking, you can manage your time and finish everything on time. In this blog post, we’ll provide you with some helpful tips on how to manage time at school while preparing for the upcoming examination.

It is very important to practise at a coaching Institute in a proper way so that an aspirant can excel in the exam. CatalyseR always takes note of such things, so that no aspirant is left out. As a result, we have 1400+ students who cracked the NTSE exam, under the guidance of Prof. Vipin Joshi. 

Time Management Tips for JEE Preparation 2023

Make a To-Do List

Before you go any further, make a to-do list. As soon As you sit down, write down the order in which tasks need to be completed. Be strict with yourself and make sure you finish all of them before you move on to the next task. 

You may find that you are less stressed by writing them down. This list will help you to stay organised and finish tasks one by one. After you finish the tasks, then you can move on to the next section.

Also Read: Tips To Improve Speed And Accuracy In JEE 2023

Set Deadlines and Targets

JEE is a lengthy process. Even though it may seem like you’ve been preparing for years, it’s still not enough time. It takes a minimum of 2 years to prepare for JEE. Therefore, it’s important that you set deadlines for tasks. 

This will help you to stay motivated and focused on your goals. This can be done in a number of ways. First, you can set deadlines for the easy tasks. For example, when you finish writing a research paper, or when you type up your summary for the entrance exam, set a deadline for that task. 

This will help you to stay motivated and eliminate procrastination. You can also set deadlines for the more difficult tasks like preparing for the entrance exam. For example, when does your first mock test have to be completed? This will help you to stay focused on the goal you have set for yourself.

Don’t Procrastinate

One of the best tips we can give is to avoid procrastination. You’ve been working on this goal and goal for a long time now, and you should not let it all go down the drain. It’s important to stay motivated and focused on your goals. 

Procrastination is when you put off tasks that need to be completed in order to later feel bad about it or to a point of feeling like you’ve missed your deadline. Therefore, it’s important that you don’t procrastinate when it comes to finishing your tasks and writing your papers. 

The last thing you want to do is to put it off for one more week and then miss your deadline. This will only stress you out and make you lose even more time due to the delay.

Organise A Study Schedule

Many students that are preparing for JEE have a study schedule. We believe that this is one of the best ways to stay organised, finish tasks, and finish things on time. There are different schools that offer study schedules for JEE. 

Therefore, you can go and check for a schedule for your school and then follow that schedule as closely as possible. This will not only help you to stay organised, but will also enable you to finish all your tasks on time. 

Furthermore, it will help you to finish all your papers on time and not to put them off for tomorrow.

Also Read: Revision Before the JEE Main 2023: Do’s and Don’t

Get An Understanding Of The Examination

Before you start managing your time and studying, it’s important that you get an understanding of what the JEE examination is about and what is expected from you. You can always ask your teachers for help and advice on this. 

Take Breaks And Be Relaxed

One of the best ways to manage your time, while preparing for JEE, is to take breaks. It is important to stay relaxed while you are preparing for JEE. Stress during the examination period can cause you to perform worse. 

Therefore, when you are preparing for the entrance exam, don’t study continuously. Instead, take breaks and relax. When you have been studying for a while, and you’re feeling stressed, take a break and do something else. 


Managing your time at school while preparing for JEE can be difficult. However, with the tips mentioned above, it’s possible to achieve it. Remember, do not be stressed out once you start studying. 

Instead, be relaxed, have a schedule, and get an understanding of the exam. Make a to-do list, set deadlines and targets, don’t procrastinate, organise a study schedule, get an understanding of the examination, act as if it is your last chance to crack it, take breaks, and be relaxed. 

When you follow these tips, it is possible to manage your time at school while preparing for JEE.

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