How Much Marks Required for IIT in JEE Advanced Exams

How Much Marks Required for IIT in JEE Advanced Exams

How Much Marks Required for IIT in JEE Advanced Exams

When it comes to pursuing a career in engineering, the Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) are the dream destination for countless aspiring students. However, gaining admission to these prestigious institutions is no walk in the park. It requires rigorous preparation and a deep understanding of the JEE Advanced examination process. In this blog, we will explore the marks and percentiles required for IIT in the JEE Advanced exams, shedding light on the questions that often arise in the minds of aspiring candidates.
  1. Marks Required for IIT in JEE Advanced:   In the context of the JEE Advanced examination, it's important to note that the required marks can vary each year based on the difficulty level of the paper and the performance of the candidates. Instead of focusing solely on the marks, aspirants should aim for a high rank. The ranking in JEE Advanced is primarily determined by the percentile score, not the absolute marks.
  2. JEE Marks Required for IIT: Again, it's not about the raw marks, but rather the percentile score in JEE Advanced. To secure admission to an IIT, one needs to be among the top percentile scorers in the exam. Generally, candidates who rank within the top 10,000 to 15,000 are in a good position to secure a seat in an IIT, depending on their chosen branch and the prevailing cutoffs.
  3. JEE Advanced Marks Required for IIT: The marks required in JEE Advanced can vary from year to year. It depends on factors like the difficulty of the paper, the number of candidates, and the distribution of scores. To ensure a competitive edge, it's essential to score as high as possible to secure a good rank.
  4. Is JEE Necessary for IIT: Yes, JEE (Joint Entrance Examination) is necessary for gaining admission to the Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs). JEE consists of two levels - JEE Main and JEE Advanced. While JEE Main is the initial qualifying examination, JEE Advanced is the gateway to the IITs. Only the top performers in JEE Main are eligible to appear for JEE Advanced.
  5. How Much Percentile is Required for IIT:  The percentile required for admission to IITs varies from year to year and across different IITs and branches. However, to have a competitive chance, it's generally advisable to aim for a percentile score above 99.5%. This percentile can secure a seat in one of the premier IITs.


As mentioned earlier, the specific marks required can vary from year to year due to factors like paper difficulty and the candidate pool. It's more important to aim for a high percentile score, typically above 99.5%, to secure admission to an IIT.

The percentage required in JEE Advanced is not a fixed criterion for IIT admissions. It's the percentile score that matters. Generally, a percentile score above 99.5% is considered competitive for IIT admissions.

No, JEE Mains alone is not enough for securing admission to an IIT. JEE Advanced is the crucial examination for IIT admissions, and candidates must qualify in JEE Main to be eligible for JEE Advanced.

JEE Advanced does not provide raw marks to candidates. Instead, it uses a percentile system to rank candidates. The percentile score is calculated based on the relative performance of candidates in both Paper 1 and Paper 2 of JEE Advanced. The exact formula for percentile calculation can vary, but it considers the distribution of scores among all candidates.

While the exact marks required for IIT in JEE Advanced can vary, it's the percentile score that holds the key to securing a seat in these prestigious institutions. Aspiring students should focus on thorough preparation, practice, and a deep understanding of the exam pattern to maximise their chances of success in JEE Advanced and ultimately achieve their dream of studying at an IIT.

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